Code Enforcement & Zoning Office Hours
The Code Enforcement & Zoning Officers are often in the field throughout the day.
Office Hours vary depending on inspections, but typically the office is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm
Please call the office with any questions at (585) 229-2176. Your call will be returned promptly.
The Code Enforcement & Zoning Department provides the following services:
Town Code knowledge and enforcement
Building Permits
Planning and Zoning information
Parcel history
A Building Permit is required to:
- Build a One or Two Family dwelling (General Building Permit Application)
- Erect, add onto, relocate or make structural changes to a building. This includes: an attached or detached accessory building such as a garage, carport, breezeway, storage shed, porch, or permanently enclosing an existing porch.
- Install, relocate or remove interior partitions or walls.
- Enlarge, decrease or otherwise modify existing doors or windows.
- Install fire escapes, cellar stairs fire-rated enclosures or fire-retarded cellar ceilings in multiple dwellings.
- Repair fire damage.
- Demolish any structure.
- Erect an attached or unattached, open or covered deck.
- Install or replace a masonry chimney or metal flue stack.
- Install a swimming pool, in-ground or above ground.
- Install a fuel tank, gasoline tank, or other flammable liquid or gaseous tank either above or below grade.
- Install or replace a solid fuel-burning device (i.e. wood stoves, etc.).
- Roofing (Dwellings & accessory structures)
A Building Permit is NOT required to:
- Make ordinary repairs which replace existing materials with new materials of like class and kind. For example, making a minor roof repair or minor repair to a chimney or foundation wall does not require a permit.
- Install or replace gutters or downspouts
- Install nonconductive, nonmetal siding.
- Install or replace a sidewalk on private property.
- Pave or replace an existing driveway.
If you don't know if your project needs a permit, please call the Code Office to find out at (585) 229-2176.
*NYS Building Codes
Did you know that anyone can view the NYS Building Codes online?
You do not need an account for read-only access.
Just go to;
click on “Locations” for New York;
(then select the appropriate book (Building, Residential, Plumbing, Energy, etc.)
Due to NYS Department of State guidelines, before a permit is issued, proof of worker’s compensation is required to be submitted with any and all Building Permit applications.
- If the contractor has New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) as their Worker’s Compensation Insurance carrier, then the NYSIF form is acceptable.
- If the contractor has a different Worker’s Compensation Insurance carrier, then the proof of Worker’s Compensation has to be submitted to this office on the NYS C105.2 Form.
- If the contractor is a sole proprietor (no employees), they will have to complete the NYS CE-200 Form.
- If a homeowner is completing the work on the project themselves (no contractor) then they need to submit a CE-200 as if they were a sole proprietor.
There is no charge to complete the CE-200 but it needs to be done online. Follow this link to the instructions on how to complete the form.
Once the CE-200 Form is printed (1 Page), sign and date the certificate and hand it in with your Building Permit Application.
When completing Insurance Certificates the Certificate Holder should read:
Town of Richmond
8690 Main Street, P.O. Box 145
Honeoye, NY 14471
Issuance of Certificates of Compliance and Certificates of Occupancy - No building shall be occupied or used until a Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance has been issued by the Code Enforcement Department.
Town Code
The following applications are prepared with the assistance of the Zoning Department; however the Planning Board and/or Zoning Board are responsible for approval or disapproval:
- Subdivision Applications
- Variance Applications*
- Site Plan Review
- Special Use Permits
Open Burning - Do you have questions about the new Open Burning Regulations? Follow this link to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and get the facts: Open Burning Regulations
Please call the office with any questions at (585) 229-2176. The Code Enforcement & Zoning Officers are often in the field throughout the day. Your call will be returned promptly.