Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm
The Town Clerk serves at the pleasure of the people in an elected position with a two year term.
Records Management Officer
The Town Clerk is the custodian of all Town records and is responsible for active files, storage and disposition of inactive records, and the careful maintenance of archival material.
Administrator of Freedom of Information Law
Administrator of Freedom of Information Law
This law guarantees your right to know the workings of the government.
Clerk to the Town Board
Richmond Town Board regular meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, in the Richmond Town Hall unless otherwise specified. Meeting minutes are taken by the Town Clerk, retained permanently as historical records of the Town of Richmond, and published for the public within the parameters required by law.
Tax Collector
Town and County taxes are collected in the Town Clerk's office January through March of each year. Payments can be mailed or made in person.
School taxes are collected by the School Districts in the fall. For questions on School taxes, please contact the District directly. Town & County taxes that remain unpaid after March 31st each year are handled by the Ontario County Treasurer. Contact the Ontario County Treasurer's Office at (585) 396-4432.
Registrar of Vital Statistics
School taxes are collected by the School Districts in the fall. For questions on School taxes, please contact the District directly. Town & County taxes that remain unpaid after March 31st each year are handled by the Ontario County Treasurer. Contact the Ontario County Treasurer's Office at (585) 396-4432.
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Records on file are for marriages, births and deaths that have occurred in the Town of Richmond. Application for such records must be strictly done by the legal procedures. Please contact the Town Clerk or Deputy Clerk for each particular situation. These records are protected by privacy laws.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage Licenses
Must be obtained at least 24 hours prior to ceremony, and are valid for 60 days. Raised seal birth certificate and picture ID for bride and groom are required along with official picture ID. A certified proof of how/when previous marriage(s) ended, must be presented. Please call 585 229-5757 to make an appointment.
Funeral Directors
Please contact the Town Clerk.
Conservation Licenses
The Town Clerk's office serves as an agent for the New York State Department of Conservation. Drivers license needed or other official proof of residency required. Proof of hunter safety training is required for any new licensee. All persons must appear in person for licenses and doe permits.
The NYS DEC website can be of assistance for any particular question. This site can be of help to determine courses, current price list, and NYS regulations. Licenses may be purchased at this site as well.
Handicap Parking Permits
Handicap Parking Permits
Permits are issued by the Town Clerk (both permanent and temporary.) Certification must be provided on a New York State Department of Motor Vehicle form MV-664.1. If the individual possesses a drivers license, the number must be provided to the Town Clerk. All applicants must be residents of the Town of Richmond to be eligible for a permit from the Richmond Town Clerk.
Water Tokens
Available at the Town Clerk's Office, the cost of one water token is $3.00 which will enable you to fill a 250 gallon tank at the Honeoye Water Department fill station. The fill station is located across from the Honeoye United States Post Office on Main Street.
Administrator of Freedom of Information Law
This law guarantees your right to know the workings of the government.
The Town Clerk serves at the pleasure of the people in an elected position with a two year term.